Saturday, February 19, 2022

Waiting on Daylight

Nothing too exciting to report from the overnight. Judah's pretty restlessness but he did nurse some and we both got a couple  hour-plus stretches.  

I take back the nothing exciting. He is voiding (peeing) on his own! AT NIGHT. I'm trying not to get too excited as we are in a semi-reclined chair and he's on an IV still. But knowing how much could go in at home without anything coming out (literally 20 ounces), and the fact that he hasn't had a wet diaper at night since he was maybe 2 weeks old,  this is super exciting.  

These pictures were an hour apart.  

Before Tylenol.  

After Tylenol.
Clearly, the pain meds are still working magic.  You can see how much more relaxed he is in the second photo. 

Pretty much just sitting here waiting on Dr Park  to come in this morning.  Grateful, he's coming in on a Saturday to check on Judah.  Not gonna lie, I'm sure he gets paid well, but he also works a lot. And not just because they pay him.  He really cares about his patients.  So I know if he says we have to stay, it's not to be mean,  but because it's what's best for Judah. 

His fluids are still not where they need to be. Hard to say if that'll resolve once the IV fluids stop or not. I can't remember what I wrote last night,  I kept falling asleep trying to write. He only had a bite of coconut yogurt and a few bites of hummus (his favorite foods). He won't drink from a cup and he takes one or two swallows from the bottle and is done. His other favorite food is broccoli, so we may try to order him some today.  However,  hummus is basically never turned down and he was super excited about both that and the yogurt. He's probably just not hungry,  yet.

On top of everything else,  he's rather anxious.  He wakes everytime he hears the door click. He screams everytime a nurse approaches.  Temp, pulse ox, blood pressure... They're all methods of torture if rated by the screaming. When we went for a walk yesterday, there were 2 nurses in the elevator. He started crying as soon as he saw them.  The one nurse turned away and he calmed but stared.  Then she looked at him.  He screamed. Then she talked to him,  he tried to hide. She ended up stepping back into the corner he couldn't see and all was well. It's so hard to not be able to reason with him. His panic makes it take ten times longer and usually causes any pain or discomfort.  

So.  Here's hoping we're going home!

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