Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Update Three- Surgery Complete

Dr Park said surgery was successful. He was able to do everything he planned. 

Blood loss was minimal, about 30cc. That's crazy to me, in a good way. 

They had one issue, the IV in his leg was somehow draining into his tissue, rather than the vein. They estimate this occurred for about 30 minutes, and there is a good amount of swelling. It's being watched closely by plastic surgery, but at this point they think that it shouldn't need intervention. The biggest concern is compartment syndrome, which is pretty serious and would require surgery again. 

Besides the obvious concerns about his leg, this means a different route than planned for pain, once again. They need to be able to monitor his temperment and know if it's causing great pain. So they did not do the single dose in the caudal area, either. They felt that could be too strong for him to let us know he's in great discomfort and therfore delay treatment too long. 

Prayers of praise for all the good. It's possible we could be released as early as this weekend. But we ask for prayers that the leg is not serious and quickly drains. Also, for his pain to stay manageable as it will be mostly controlled with morphine for now. 

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