Friday, February 18, 2022

End of Day Three

Days are long in the hospital with a 13 month old. We are so ready to go home. 

Dr Park removed the catheter this evening and said if he can start wetting diapers and eating,  we can go home tomorrow. He's had a slightly wet diaper so far. He's also eaten about a tablespoon of hummus,  his favorite food,  and one spoonful of coconut yogurt.  He's had one ounce from a bottle and nursed a bit here and there.  No where near enough fluids or food to go home... praying that changes overnight- if it's wise to go home. 

We also lost his iv this afternoon.  It started leaking into his armz cue more swelling. That was disappointing, and putting one in is always traumatic. He's a thick kid with tiny veins, it's not easy.  They went right for the ultrasound tonight and got it first try but the process leading up to the poke still took a while and he was not happy. 

Exciting part of the day was taking a walk.  Forgot my phone,  so no pictures.  He's just gotten pain meds and was sleepy but awake.  Everyone adored him,  of course. Blog or next walk is to the car!

Love the sunrise and sunset no matter where I am.

A quick recap of our day-


Looking out the window!

More sleeping

Sleeping, once again!

Chatting with siblings- he had just waved to them. 

I thought he was sleeping. On his belly! He was just chilling. 

Pretty sunset

Quick moment of freedom without catheter or IV!

Post traumatic iv sleep

Sleeping with one eye open and fist ready to go!

Took over an hour to get to this so I could pump.  Rough evening
Current situation.  Holding on for dear life!

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