Friday, March 31, 2023

Rug Day

Judah and Elijah were great helps in unrolling the new rug. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit great and I don't know if we can make it work.  

I couldn't figure out the significance of this picture, nor did I remember taking it.

Then, I realized this are Selah's feet there and she must have been the photographer.
It was already our last Soup Supper tonight. While we have greatly enjoyed/ benefited from Father's talks, I'm not sad to have my Fridays back! The kids have requested no more soup until next winter.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

There's a Baby to Hold.

Judah was a great helper at the Commissary. This silly car carts do not have nearly enough room, but he was a good sport. 

And was clearly ready for a nap.

Mom! This thing is cold!

There was a new baby today at homeschool group. 7 days old. You forget how little (especially since she wasn't little at 8 lbs 12 ounces!) Our kids were enamored.  

Excpet Jude. Who really just needed a nap.

He did get a quick nap at the end. And then we joined some friends for the first Tigers game at a local restaurant.  The food and company were good. The Tigers not so much. But the Indians didn't fare much better so we can commiserate together. 

Judah happily ate French fries until his plate was knocked on the floor. So we came home and ate some more.
 I need this memory of one of his favorite things- chocolate yogurt with a straw. 
He loves it so much he asked for a straw for his guacamole a few days ago! 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Caught a beautiful sky out the window today, and was so excited that we were going to have 2 clear days in a row! But alas, I was fooled. This was as much of the sun as we saw. That's actually cloud flattening it out. 

I don't know how I'll survive when they build a house there. As unimpressive as this view can be, it's the best I've got. And it sure beats a house! 

Morning rosary by the fire. 

Look! He's dressed! He's also talking to grandma on his hand- phone. 

This is a jar of homemade salad dressing. Not only did it not emulsify,  it made these pretty layers. 

Bryan came home and shook it and it separated into even more layers!! Weird. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

To Mott We Go

Sun!!!! Good start for an ultrasound day!

That look when Mom says you can play with the blocks over there. 

I'm sitting in a frog chair and there is a frog on my sticker!

We were 35 minutes early today,  traffic was light and while our preferred parking garage was full, there was a sign in front telling us that before we entered so we had lots of time to spare. However, we checked in anyway and we were in luck, we were called back within minutes.  

Judah, of course,  would have rather played with the blocks. 

But the tech was good and quick and we were on the car before our appt time! We didn't even have to pay for parking because it was less than an hour! (Makes up for that 90 minute drive time a little.) 

Quick as she was,  Judah was still unhappy and reported to me that he was sad. 

But I promised him a so at trader Joe's with some chocolate and he perked up quickly. He happily left his ugly sticker on the board. 
Once we came home,  he helped Dad with on the mudroom cabinets.  

During his bath,  I told him to clean up his toys and looked over to see him literally cleaning his toys. No wonder we go through so much soap.

He tricked me into thinking it was going to be an easy night. 

After 4 good nights,  he's up already at 1030. Sad. 

As for the ultrasound, the good news is that the left side shows improvement. The bad news is that it is still considered severe, and the right side is considered moderate and stable but is slightly worse than previous. 

And there was one mention that Dr Google says points toward kidney disease. Both sides show mildly echogenic renal parenchyma. This is the biggest worry, so I hope it's wrong.  

The ureters are dilated again, and there is mild thickening of the walls in all parts of the urinary tract.  

It could be worse,  but I was hoping for better. We couldn't get into discuss with his urologist for another 6 weeks, so I guess it's a holding pattern unless something concerning comes up.  

Nephrology was supposed to be next week but they had to cancel and haven't rescheduled yet. That should help clarify kidney disease concerns, once they do bloodwork. If you can just go ahead and start praying that the blood draw goes well, I'd be ever so grateful.  

Monday, March 27, 2023

Lots of Catching Up

9am and Jude's still asleep...wonder how bedtime will go.

Homemade Detroit Style pizza. Excellent and way less expensive than Buddy's. 

Storytime with Judah!

Uh, Dad. What's that noise?!

An after dinner walk! It wasn't nearly as warm as Dad claimed, but he didnt complain.

I asked Mom for French Fries for breakfast. She made me sweet potato fries. This is not the same. 

This week's bread came out so pretty! 

Driving home in the bitter cold, wondering who was crazy enough to be out running in this weather. Turns out it was Noah! 

Well, no nap because someone wouldn't go to bed 2 nights in a row means falling asleep on the way to Soup Supper. Until Mom saw him and woke his less-than-happy self up so he'd sleep when she wanted to! 
Where. Is. Spring?!

We braved the miserable weather (leaving home with no power thanks to the wind) to head downtown to Sacred Heart Major Seminary to watch the Seminarians put on the play, "A Man for All Seasons." It's the story of Sir Thomas More and excellent. I hear the movie version from the 60s is a great one, if you're looking for a good movie night.  

The kids asked to sit in the front row. But almost backed out when they realized the Archbishop and auxiliary bishops would be sharing the row. But they did brave sitting next to them and behaved themselves. 

I'm not sure I can say they loved the play, but the did make it through without complaining. Too bad there wasn't a snack bar to help them enjoy it more. 
The chapel is incredible. 

Micah said in a hushed voice as we left, "Mom. I think this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life."

 The photos don't do it justice. With five sons, I hope perhaps to get lucky enough that one or two will someday study there.

Jude has found his bubble gum. My house is covered in soap scum. No one but me finds this unacceptable.  

This kid also had his first lollipop. 

Because he got a haircut!!

Not sure if I mentioned Bryan's project over the 12 days of Christmas with the kids but they built these taekwondo belt holders. Not too shabby!

Two messy haired brothers reading on a Monday morning. 

Elijah's tress grew overnight!

Mom.  Here. You can be this little firetruck. I'm the big truck. 

Mom! I want you to pick me up!
