Friday, December 26, 2014

1175 Lego pieces...

Take a lot of hours to assemble.  Jonah's building a star wars republic gunship he got for Christmas.  Here's hoping it doesn't get destroyed right away.

Big Boy Bed!

Elijah napped in his new bed both yesterday and today, and slept part of the night in it last night.  There's hope!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Birthday cake!

It's Christmas Eve.  The kids are making Jesus a birthday cake!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Family project day!

New carpet comes tomorrow.  Today we remove the old!

Colorful Cookies!

Selah hung out with our neighbors for most of the day today.  And they made and decorated cookies.  Very colorful Cookies! She had a blast, of course.

What were we thinking? ?

Took 4 hours to sand this part.  There's still the whole catwalk/bridge to go.  Probably not the best idea. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

At the beach?

It's a good thing we buy our kids mattresses and blankets and make them cool beds. Most likely they wouldn't want to sleep with beach towels on the floor if that was their only option....

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Meadowbrook Hall

We took a field trip to Meadowbrook Hall today. The short story is that it was built by the wife of one of the Dodge brothers (think Viper) after she remarried following her husband's death. It's a 88,000 square foot Tudor style mansion.  Obviously incredible, but no photos allowed inside except at this fireplace. We had hoped to do a family photo but somehow managed to forget the camera. So we grabbed a few quick shots of the kids via my phone.  Not Christmas card material, unfortunately. But they're cute anyway. 

Meadowbrook Hall continued

Meadowbrook Hall

Friday, November 21, 2014

Selling chocolate is exhausting!

Selah sold chocolates at the bank for her American Heritage Girls troop today. And took a nap on the way home!  She's not a napper so this was surprising!


Thursday, November 13, 2014


It snowed for most of the day today, but to the kids' disappointment nothing stuck for long. They were thrilled to run around in it nonetheless.

Elijah hiding

Is there anything cuter?


Mommy and Selah won hide and seek tonight. Of course, that just means we were stuck in a small space for the longest! 

At the races in our basement

At the races:

Still loves to help

Elijah wants to do everything anyone else is doing. Tonight he was adamant that he sweep the floor.

Little sweeper:

The Dentist

The big 4 had dentist visits today.  All went well, but someone (Elijah) was pretty jealous and wanted to sit in the chair, too.  Micah was happy to oblige.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

You're a veteran? ?

Out on a date with my dear Noah. 
He says to me: "Mom, i didn't know you were a veteran! "
Me: um, really?  I didn't think I kept THAT quiet about it.

Noah:well, I thought a veteran was someone who served in WWII.

You know, in that case, I'll take it as a compliment. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blue mouths?

Caught the kids sneaking treats from the freezer today. The phone wasn't recording on the best part where they were actually sneaking it in the basement, sadly enough.
(Ignore the messy counters, trying to fix the sink.)

Blue mouth:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Soul cakes

At Paideia (our homeschool co-op) this past week, Jonah made soul cake batter and we fried it up on Saturday for an All Saints Day breakfast. The history of soul cakes is a bit varied but is believed to be the origin of Halloween.  Interesting if you have time to look it up.

The skittle game

They used a straw to move skittles from one plate to another. 

No pictures but they also did a scavenger hunt, played musical chairs, tried to pick up a paper bag with their teeth while on one foot, and probably a myriad of other things I don't remember.

Happy Halloween

No, we did not brave 34° and a wintry mix weather to trick or treat.  But we did have a nice night in with friends. 

We had (l to r) the drummer from Fall Out Boy, an astronaut, a thug, a knight, a ninja in the front, Rainbow dash, sleeping beauty,  an airman, and a pants-less Elijah.

Micah and Elijah's you tube debut

Big brother time:

Old video of Selah

Selah, 2 years ago,  (age 4) telling us about St Helen, who she was dressing up as for All Saints Day.


Little House with Daddy

Selah's godparents gave her a Little House on the Prairie storybook for her birthday this year.  We try to read some most nights, as we all enjoy it.  Or so I thought.  Maybe Micah isn't enjoying it so much. (He's not actually asleep.  Just acting.)

The king is not happy

Elijah is in the "king seat" this morning.  And his royal subject Selah is reading him Snow White (in Korean.) It appears that he isn't exactly thrilled with the story choice this morning.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Last harvest.

Looks like turnip and carrot soup is on the menu!


We've got some new looks in the house.


Elijah was so proud to show us that he was hiding in bubbles!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

First day of school

A little late, but today is our first real, full day of the new year for everyone. We've been doing school but some has been testing, some finishing up from last year,  some just light days squeezed in. It's been a crazy year, but that's a benefit of homeschooling, we can make our own schedule!

I just love Selah and Micah in this picture.  Not the best of everyone, but adorable of them. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Apparently someone got mom's phone and took pictures of Slither when they had him out the other day.  They took video, too.

Daddy and his buddy

Having a little special time at the nursery.  Etowah feel asleep in the car and want quite ready to fully wake up for a bit.

Clown car

It was pretty incredible this week, we managed to fit all of this stuff from the nursery, plus Bryan, Elijah, and I, plusSelah and Micah and noah's car seats, A case of water,  A myriad of other random junk that wasalready in the van,  in the van. Be impressed.  It was a jungle in there!

I love this girl.

She's just cute.  Period.  Keeps her alive.


The temp yesterday morning on the way to Paideia.  Sigh. 


Hard to believe.  But Jonah's 13. Not the works greatest cake, but he had fun with his friends. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Caught Green - handed!

Someone wrote on the dining room wall today.  Any guesses who it might have been?

Friday, September 12, 2014

And then. . .

Because the day wasn't long enough yet, we tried to stop at the Air Force Memorial. I keep promising Jonah next trip we will.  Turns out, since it's the birthday of the USAF, the AF band was there giving a concert and there was no where to park (according to the security guard.) Major bummer since they sounded great and I'm sure the kids would have loved the concert.

So we hit the Pentagon Memorial as our last stop.  Incredible to think it's been 13 years (yesterday). Such a beautiful memorial,  but so heart wrenching. We learned the oldest person was born in 1930, and the youngest 1998. So the ages of the 184 who lost their life there were between 71 and 3. We really have had so little tragedy in our country, compared to other counties, but it's still so frustrating to think of senseless deaths.

As it turns out...

It WAS Marine One and we got to watch him land and take back off.  They kept us pretty far back for that so we were unable to actually see the President, but it was still pretty amazing.  Totally the right place at the right time.

And then....

As we headed back to the van, me claiming that we were done, I spied the white house of to the left.  Somehow I'd never noticed it so close and easily accessed from the national mall (we've always walked to the other side! Which is a long walk!)

And as I tried to get the boys' attention to make a detour (they'd run ahead) I heard this guy coming overhead, nice and slow.  It was impossible to not notice that it looked just like Marine One. ..

Last of the monuments

We then trekked on to see the Washington Monument up close (and the kids were so disappointed that is nearly impossible to get tickets to go inside unless you plan months in advance.) Then we saw the WWII memorial.  One of my favorites, it's so well done. This shot is from there.

Ice Cream!!

Because they were good at Arlington, I promised them ice cream (mostly to encourage Micah or Selah-whomever was walking at the time-to keep walling because we were almost done. It worked, more or less.)

They did have to suffer through the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Wall, and Korean Memorial first.  Hey, they were on the way.  Noah got French fries since he couldn't have anything else. And since they were re-energized, and we were parked in front- I drug them into the American History museum, too.  The American flag that inspired the Star Spangled Banner is quite the sight to see. Enormous. We only had an hour, so we basically saw that and the war section. And we got trapped inside as they tried to close by a reenlistment. Another cool experience for the kids.

Arlington National Cemetery

Started our day at Arlington. Besides Selah climbing on a wall at JFK's site and getting yelled at, it went well.  We saw the changing of the guard and also observed the funeral procession and most of the ceremony for an AF veteran.  It was quite incredible. 

Dear Dad,

Don't worry, I'm making sure mom will be happy to share a bed with you instead of me when you get home.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The view

The boys raved about the view from the tower, so I climbed up to see. The view was indeed incredible at the top (this picture doesn't do it justice, better ones on my camera). But the view going up and down the steps was a bit much for me.  Next time I'll just go with viewing the pictures.



Observation Tower

Jonah, Noah, and Paul went up to the to and took some pictures.  I love Selah at the bottom looking up- I was not comfortable taking her up.  She has a history of climbing onto things she shouldn't. This way we all came home alive.

Devil's Den

Here's a better shot of Devil's Den from Little Round Top. The kids loved playing on the hill until the big, mean mom said they'd ventured far enough.

Airplane Paul!

He did a great job showing how a plane flies! He didn't even crash.

It's been a while. ..

Needed a sleeping baby picture!

Mellow Mushroom at the Zoo!

After a long, hot day in DC, Mellow Mushroom at the National Zoo pleased even the pickiest in the family!

The assistant!

Selah got a chance to help explain air pressure and lift today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Still there. ..

These stones were used to make a wall with small stones during the Civil War. There was a picture of them in the wall.  Sadly, I didn't take a picture of it, but it was cool to see, and then for the kids to play on them.