Friday, April 30, 2021

More videos

My goal is to restrict access but not have to link each video. If anyone knows how to just have our channel need a link but allow viewing of all videos, help me out! Until then... here's a few that are uploaded.

Judah Laughs

They're the best, y'all.  I think I even have a video for you. Apprently I took it sideways, so I apologize. I'll try to do better in the future. 

Quiet day around here. Most of the kids are sick and Judah's coming down with it. Pray for him, that he does okay and we don't end up in the hospital again this time!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tropical Tuesday in April

A rare treat, these days! I was able to handle a sleeping Judah off to Bryan so I could shower and get ready for a doctor's appointment. He lasted a whole 30 min! 

After some more milk, he was nice and happy!
Fun attraction to keep him occupied while we waited at the doctor's.  
It was a depressing trip. We drove to Ann Arbor to see a breastfeeding medicine doctor. She basically said there's really nothing more we can do, she does not think we will ever be able to transition to full time nursing. He just can't do it. So while I will keep praying that maybe we can get a miracle, I'll also keep pumping. I mean, I'm already only eating bison, squash, pears, and the occasional treat of blueberries. Why quit now...

It was a rare, gorgeous day here in Michigan.  We headed outside to enjoy the 70s and went to one of our favorite places, Wolcott Mill. Here's Judah with the mill (white blob in the background) on his first trip.
The mill with the frog pond. Ick. Bryan and the kids love that pond.
Elijah tries so hard. He always wants to help and he is so diligent about being a great bug brother. He's just not quite big enough for some of the things he likes to do. Like carrying Judah. It lasted as long as it took me to snap a picture.  Judah wasn't having it. In Elijah's defense, he's hard to hold with the boots and bar!
Selah trying to give Judah a kiss...and Judah trying to eat her. 
Teenager being forced to accompany the family outside for an hour. 
Impressive balancing by Selah.  It's hard to tell but that board is only maybe an inch wide and it slants. She made it all the way to the end of the path. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

The Best Day He's Ever Had!

Elijah's best day, in his own words. Why? Because he got to feed Judah not one, but TWO times today!

He really tried to make him take a nap on him after the bottle , but to his disappointment, Judah wasn't interested. 

(Which was probably good. Elijah would have been quickly bored and Judah doesn't transfer well when asleep.)
Second bottle for the win.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sundays are for House Tours.

Took this sleepy guy on a trip to look at trees and then since he was behaving so nicely, over to see the new house. 

We'll, some are. It's coming together! 

Hoping they plan to add another shelf to these cabinets because what a waste of space. 

Actually wish I would have thought to make where I want another shelf because they're really hard to adjust! (I know from CO, where I had to move a good 20 and it took hours. Easier if they don't need removed first.)

Do you see what I see? Clearly not CO because there is a door on the bathroom! 

And tile! I know I wanted it plain but gee, it could use a little something. That's what happened when you pick things out 8 months pregnant and are afraid to have regrets. Would have been worse it i hated it rather than thought it was boring!

Not gonna lie. It was hard to come home to the apt. The new place smells so nice and new and is oh so (comparitively) spacious. 6 weeks and 3 days...not that anyone is counting. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Everybody's Favorite Toy- Judah.

This guy is becoming more and more fun to play with. He laughs. He kicks. He smiles all the time.  It's super hard to catch those moments because 1) I'm trying to enjoy them and 2) supporting him and taking a picture doesn't usually mesh well. 

But we got a couple.  He's really just the best. 

Still having diet issues.  Changing things up here.  We've got bison and zucchini.  I LOVE bison,  so I hope it works well!

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friends. Like it or Not...

It's amazing how the whole world loves babies. I mean, I'm sure some people don't. But most people do. Even strangers are always checking him out and talking to him. 

Got to spend a little time with a friend today, and "Baby Joe" got to hold Baby Judah. Baby Joe is almost 3, hard to believe. He was loving the experience. He's the youngest of 7, so you know he's usually the baby with all the benefits. 

I just loved the look on Joe's face, he was loving it. And then the look on Judah's can I possibly excape.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

For Sale

One-of-a-kind MODERN ART, the work of the soon-to-be-famous Elijah Wilhelm. 

This is your chance, folks... he's listing it on Ebay for only $300. It'll go fast, you'd better speak now! 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Look Who Learned to Splash!

His poor duck was seasick! The bathroom was straight up soaked.  But boy did he have fun! I need to find a way to upload videos, pictures aren't the same. 

Well, Duck. What shall I do with you, now that I got you?!

I think I shall eat you! 

He's making a lot of progress on those hands.  The fingers attract aren't quite there yet! 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

So Big!

Look who is growing up before our eyes! 
He stared at that outfit (that I took off because he soaked it with drool) for a few minutes. Talking to it and all. And then...well, I don't know exactly because he was super quick. Next thing I knew he had it and then he turned himself 90 degrees! 

Bryan and I were both in arm's reach but good reminder to not leave him alone where he could fall! 

Jonah made gumbo. 

It was expensive. 

It was messy. 

It took 4 hours.

It smelled awful.

But Bryan and Jonah loved it, and Micah said it was fine but not worth the money. There's a lot left, here's hoping they eat the leftovers!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears- Oh My!

Eh, or just maybe some wolverines, otters, and prairie dogs!

A trip to the zoo today. It was colder and windier than expected and the rain arrived earlier than they predicted. It's timed entry, so we hadn't much of a choice in working around all that. I dare say the masks weren't as bad given the weather!

Look how cute the bear is! 

Because misery loves company? Let's have Dippin' dots?! 

Wallaby taking shelter from the rain.
The red kangaroos don't like the rain at all and took shelter in their building.
Detroit Zoo is known for it's free range peacocks. This one was hanging out with the kangaroos. Looks like he's been around a while, like a chief's headdress.
The interesting exhibit. Lots of cohabitation species.
Prarie Dogs.
Sure would like to bring this guy home.
Selah introducing Anna, her wolf, to the real wolf.
Micah, in his Buckeyes gear, scared away the Wolverine. He ran back to his little cave as soon as Micah approached. Kinda like it's namesake on the football field....
A bubby sleeper.
Dad's way of putting the baby to sleep.
The King being carried on his throne during prayer.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday Funday!

My mornings are the best because I always get to spend them with this guy. The only thing that could make them better would be a nice hot cup of coffee with cream.

Watching Mr.Fan while Mom gets ready for Mass. (Ready for a nap!)
Took said nap at Mass, and was so asleep when we got home.  Micah was waiting for him to wake up. 

Still waiting. 

STILL waiting.

Dad got home after lunch.  Just as Judah was going down for a nap,  so into the car seat he went and we went to see the new house progress..

House is drywalled and primered!

Yay kitchen! I can't wait to have a normal (err large) kitchen and a table that comfortably fits us all again!

Still napping. 

Living room from kitchen. Yay for open.

No longer sleeping.  And we were upstairs without him.  Certainly heard him,  though.  Baby cry on an empty house is LOUD. Yet, not as loud as the music across the street as some lady washed her convertible. 

Nope.  No indoor swimming pool. 

And Selah made a clay pot out of clay she found in the yard.  

Mom sang songs after dinner.  Clearly,  he's tone deaf since he enjoyed it. 

Happy baby... how about tummy time? 

You've lost your mind, lady. I only do that in the morning. 

I'll practice sitting though. 

Still need more practice!
(I know it looks bad,  but really it was a very slow slide. )