Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Noah made the frozen pumpkin custard. I heard it was fabulous. We won't forget it until after the kitchen is painted, since there are pumpkin splatter stains everywhere. 

In true Noah fashion, he concocted a way to not hold the mixer. If you set it just so, it sits in the spout on the bowl and runs in a chaotic little pattern looking like it's going to make a mess but stopping just short of it. A video would have been a nice touch,  but I didn't think of it. 

When he splattered the walls,  he splattered everything. Himself included.  

Little Judah woke up after 20 minutes and we all panicked knowing there wouldn't be a second nap. Jonah went to try to get him back to sleep and was successful... he slept for 3 hours! Wish I got 3 hours at night...

Selah wanted her hair straightened. It's been over a year since we've done it,  and it's gotten so long! It's almost to her waist.  (Notice Micah,  who is camera shy, jumping out of the shot.  Of note, he doesn't like her hair straight and wasn't afraid to tell her.)

We never did get a group shot.  But here's a few from the day. 

Susan always does an incredible job and everything looked beautiful. 

And then this little guy. I wanted a pic in his cute little outfit and he wasn't having it. 

And then he was oh so tired. He looked like he was going to fall asleep as Olivia pushed him back and forth for 15 minutes. That girl got a workout in! 
Don't let him fool you, he had fun! 

Black Friday Baby!

My parents drug me all over the place today. It's exhausting being carried through all the stores! And it's cold and snowing. I need a nap.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Do You Know Where Your Turkey Came From?

 I do! 

But first, this morning. Unfortunately for Elijah, there's a bit of unrequited love going on with Judah. Elijah just loves him more than anything. He's always the first to help, he will even help with Judah rather than play video games. He tries so hard. And Judah just doesn't return the love.

Judah-Selah! Please help me! I don't want to snuggle! 
In other news, it's the weekend before Thanksgiving. Time to get that turkey ready! Photo cred- Selah. I'll spare you the gross pics.

And I'll leave you with Judah hanging out with his Godmother. 

Actually, adding a couple more because he's so cute. And everyone but mom got snuggles tonight!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Michigan State For the...Loss.

Well,  we all expected more of a game than 56-7 when #4 plays #6. But hey, a win is a win! Here's hoping next week goes as well for us. 

The Mcguire came over to watch the game.  He's an MSU alumni. I feel like it's hard to see all the color on this picture, it was a lot like Christmas. (Red and green.)

The game was so boring,  the kids went and played football instead.  It was SO COLD,  but they had fun. Always nice to see friends,  especially when your team wins! (And I was super proud of Bryan who managed to not be a jerk and rub it in.)

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Well, the quinoa was a fail. Hope it only effects one night's sleep! 

Interestingly enough, he had the hiccups when we were at adoration. I've had a lot of people in my TED (total elimination diet) group say that was the first sign of a fail. I mentioned it to Bryan and he mentioned that he can't even ever remember Judah having the hiccups. (Clearly, rare.)

His first stretch was an hour (long for him) so I was hopeful...that was the best one we had, I do believe. I woke up at one point, I think the 7th time, thinking it had to be morning already only to find it had been 15 minutes...and wasn't even 1 am yet. Poor Judah. 

From 4 -6 we just rocked in the rocking chair. It's not my favorite, but I do try to enjoy it. While I miss sleep, I have to say in all honesty there's no where I would rather be than with my baby. It's a blessing to be here. It's a blessing that he's here. And I try to  soak it all up knowing it won't last forever. I don't think I'll MISS rocking for hours in the dark, but I'll miss him being little. I'll miss the sweet feeling of holding him. And I'm grateful to be able to do something to comfort him, at least some of the time. I so appreciate the patience God has bestowed on me, and the physical ability to keep functioning despite the lack of sleep . 

He was refusing his bottle this morning, too. That had me even more worried as he didn't nurse as much during the night, he just wanted to rock. 
So I was relieved when he finally drank one. 

He just has that tense look, not a peaceful sleep. He did take a good morning nap, despite it all. And then refused his second nap. Can't win them all, I guess.

Here's Elijah, showing off his miracle from adoration last night. 

Judah really enjoys playing in the teepee.

Real life conversation-
Mom, can q I have some of this chocolate.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What a Day

A random nice day thrown into our week today, high of 60. The ducks were back this morning and Judha was so excited to see them. He checked them out this morning with Daddy halfway down the stairs. 

And then again with Elijah while we were doing school. 

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but it's one of his words, duck. Along with mama, Dada,  ba, and cuckoo. I am not a fan of the wetlands,  but they do make Judah's day!

So as I've stated before,  poor Judah is watched like a hawk no matter what he's doing, even sleeping. Well today he flipped around while sleeping and the kids freaked out. It's hard to see the picture,  but it looks like the witch's feet under the house in the Wizard of Oz. They were convinced that he was suffocating in the pillow. So off I went to double check. 

Definitely just the camera angle, he was alive and well, just sleeping.  

He was super cute though, hard not to just scoop him up and hold him. 

Random find... Micah got a lego experiments book years ago for a gift. He finally decided to build some stuff with it and the kids had fun. Micah jumped out of the picture and so Elijah jumped in! It was like mouse trap, chain reaction fun. 

I had subduing to say about this picture when I took it this morning. I now have no memory of what that was.  But he's cute anyway! Notice the difference when I use the selfie camera. I find it so annoying but after exploring the settings I could find no way to fix it.  

Also,  he's wearing his super cute, soft sloth outfit. The kids said it was a silly purchase because he's not a sloth,  he's a cheetah. I admit he's getting fast. Set him down and turn your back for 2 seconds and you'll be searching for him. But I still like the sloth. 

Just one of those sweet moments in a day.  Micah reading aloud to Elijah.  A fun comic book about Elijah that their friend from Colorado, Tom, sent.  

Speaking of Tom... Elijah was all proud of his look here because he thought he liked like Tom. They've always been jealous of his longer(than theirs) hair. 

Can't waste 60 degrees in November! The boys are playing football. Judah's enjoying the grass. And Bryan finished up the wall around the flower bed in front. Little Mr Cheetah in his sloth costume High tailed it over to the area that Bryan has been using the wet saw and effectively turned his entire sloth brown with mud. Oh well, kids didn't think it fit his personality anyway, it may as well be play clothes. 

In other words, they all had fun. Rounded out the day with adoration and they only thing we lacked was sunshine.

And I close with...quinoa! I know. I tried it 4 times already. But not in the last few months. Judah seems to be doing okay with the bison (Thank You, Jesus!) And I really just need some more nutrients. I have had crazy bruising all over my legs, presumably from nutrient deficiency. (Made a doc appt in sept...for January. How thats reasonable, I don't know but it's how it works.)

So here hoping maybe that probiotic is helping enough that we can add some more things back in! I'm giving it a try, anyway.