Saturday, July 28, 2012

If the shoe fits?

Apparently, she couldn't find any clean underwear of her own. So she found a pair of her brother's. Better than none!

Friday, July 27, 2012


I think we are almost ready for Elijah. We bought him diapers and pacifiers today, so all that is left is a mattress for Micah and finding some stuff around the house. 2& a half weeks to go!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Killing time

The kids and I stopped at a park to play in Alexandria while Bryan was in a quick meeting. Micah was asleep so I stood by the van and watched the others run around. I'm sure they looked like a band of unsupervised bandits, playing in the fountain and jumping off walls with no parent in plain sight. They had fun, though. Enough so that they needed to change their clothes before we could drive back to the hotel!


The kids loved swimming in the pool while we were in DC. There was a lifeguard, strangely enough, so the pool was only open 2-10. But they did get to swim all but the first night. And Friday night, our friends joined us at the pool and it must have been kids night, and in addition to the seven of them, there were another 6-8 kids. And no adults until Bryan went in. I felt a little bad for the lifeguard as it was pretty chaotic! The last picture is of Selah and Jacie. Selah had picked flowers, Selah style. Meaning she ripped off half of a potted plant. At least Jacie knew better!

Not a baby!

Micah yells at Selah every time she calls him a baby. He's a little boy! But not a big boy, he'll tell you. Well, he definitely doesn't look like a baby here. And in only a couple of Weeks he won't be the baby of the family anymore. It's very bittersweet.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Magical markers

Selah:They did it ALL by themselves! They're magical!

me: now you're done and you have to get cleaned up.

Selah: then I have to go to my room and cry?!?

How can she do something wrong,KNOWINGLY, and then make you feel badly for punishing her? Yes, she's going to her room and if she chooses to cry, that's on her.