Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Bryan got tired of getting Micah more fries so he just handed Micah the tray. And Selah decided she wanted some...so Micah moved them to the other side so that she couldn't get any. And so Selah climbed up trying to get them and Micah fought her off. Not sure who's more wrong-Micah for not sharing or Selah for trying to eat his when she had a pile on her plate!

Monday, August 29, 2011

First doy of school 2011!

Not as organized as I would like to be for today, but we're going with it anyway! We have a fourth grader and a kindergardner/first grader. Praying for a great year for all!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Noah's 6!!!!

Hard to believe little Noah is SIX. Time flies. Here's a "quick" recap of his birthday and party this year.
Mommy and Mikey hanging out at Rainforest Cafe. Rare to have a "baby" sleeping on me these days- loved it. Except for the size of the kid.

He's not doing too poorly in the growth department, even on his gluten and dairy free diet!

She lied. She told us she wasn't afraid of the animals anymore- she was.

Daddy and Noah comforting her.

Noah enjoyed his dinner of lemonade, applesauce, popcorn shrimp and chicken.

Since he couldn't have the ice cream sundae, they brought him a cup of gummy worms.
 Selah and Micah were so adorable they just melted my heart.
C'mon, Selah!!

C'mon, Micah!

You don't think we are lost, do you?

Mommy found us!!

Gluten, dairy, and soy free pumpkin cupcakes with pumpkin frosting.
He asked for pumpkin frosting and when I hesitated, he said, "don't you have some of that pumpkin in a can? Just use that to make some!" Apparently, I look like Martha Stewart. Wasn't the best, but it wasn't bad at all.


Noah flying his Lego airplane he got for his birthday.

He;s really just a kid stuck in a big body. Bryan controlled the control tower and airport building.

Might not look like it, but this is a GIANT piece of fondant that we made that was supposed to go on the cake. But it stuck. So we had to go to plan B.

The F-18s before Selah attacked.

Well, at least this snack was gluten and dairy free! Selah said they were having lunch. (It was 7 am.)

Noah's Shark.

Finished Aircraft Carrier...minus a couple F-18s that sustained heavy damage.

Top view

A real f-18 that flew over the house for the airshow today.

Flying upside-down.

F-18 again.

Selah checking out the planes.

2 F-18s

Part of the group that joined us for the airshow and Noah's birthday.


Noah and his cake. It was huge.

Noah's excited, Selah's thinking....

Noah's preparing, Selah's debating....

And as Noah took a deep breath....Selah leaned in and blew out his candle first! At least we know she's got it down pat for her birthday in 2 weeks!

Selah and Louie...they are WAY too much alike to be friends. Can't have them sharing ideas!

Noah's plate of cake. It was a lot bigger than it looks here. (He barely ate any, by the way.)

Noah pushing Amber. What a sweetie (if you don't count the runs into the road and the life-threatening speed.)

All parties at the Wilhelm's include soccer. It's a rule.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Poor Micah (and Mommy?)

Micah seems to have eaten something he shouldn't have and has been a miserable mess the last two days. He woke up from his nap this afternoon and won't let not be touching him. Worse, even snuggled up on me he just keeps whining. I guess our house is going back to being completely gluten and dairy free so we have less instances of this. I'm trying to cherish this time with him...it's just a bit hard since I have so much to get done-always!

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She's going to outgrow this...right??

Micah the artist.

Micah's had an introduction to watercolor painting. And he loves it...and seems to also have his sisters' love of painting/coloring on their persons rather than paper. Silly kids.

Monday, August 15, 2011

5 minutes

I'm thinking we should have stopped painting about 5 minutes ago. Before she felt the desire to paint herself black!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Color wonder?

Supposedly, Crayola's color wonder markers only color on their special color wonder paper. But Selah just colored ALL over the front porch with one. I do hope it's washable.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tomatoes are in season!

Let round one of the tomato sauce making begin!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Selah get down!

No, Mom. I can't. I want to color with my feet!