Friday, March 29, 2019

Crazy Colorado Weather!

It was a beautiful sunny morning, chilly, but not bad in the sun. We went to Mass at noon,  and then played at the church's playground for a few minutes. 

Jonah was disappointed to realize monkey bars just aren't what they used to be!

Proof they do occasional play nicely together. 

I greatly enjoyed the fantastic moutain views while they played but my phone died before I could take a picture to share. 

Later in the afternoon,  we got our first decent hail storm. Hail is a big thing here, and we've actually had hail twice already.  But this time it was loud enough to really catch your attention. Or make you panic because you bought a new car yesterday and it doesn't fit in the garage! 

Luckily, Bryan had just gotten home and there was a team effort to kinda protect it. 

The kids were all pretty amazed that you could just scoop it up by the handful! 

The mostly protected van, just barely squeezed in there. Garage didn't shut, but the house provided some cover.

And as quickly as it came,  it was gone- leaving rivers flowing down the road.  

But it didn't stop there,  all of that was followed by snow before bed! 

I'll Just Take Some Coffee and a Bath!

Mr. Elijah came downstairs very early this morning while I was making coffee and Bryan's lunch. At 0546, to be exact.

When I commented that he was sure up early, he replied, "I was up even earlier but it was dark so I went back to sleep!"

I then assured him that given the fact it was still dark,  he was more than welcome to go back to sleep again.

"Nah, I think I'll just take some coffee and a bath," was his reply.

So here we are, at 6 am, having coffee and a bath. Works out okay today since I need to clean the bathroom and fold some laundry, but I sure hope this isn't a new trend!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

New 대권도 Class Day!

We are finally starting to settle in a bit and made it to our first 대권도  class. Jonah and Noah had CAP, so it was just the little 3 and they loved it. The best part was getting to start using weapons! 
Micah's group learned techniques using the bow staff. His instructor,  Mr. C, was showing him how to properly hold it. 

They were difficult to put to bed because they were so excited to keep practicing their weapons forms with brooms and mops tonight. Now comes the hard part of knowing when is appropriate to practice and not knocking each other out...

Friday, March 15, 2019

Fabulous Friday!

Today would be a great day....but it's almost 1800 and we still have no household goods. Looks likely we will be empty-housing it until at least Monday. 

Great news, no one has killed each other yet. And they're REALLY good at Santorini, the one board game we have. 

However, it was still a good day. 
We met Bryan's coworkers and walked to get some fantastic local coffee while enjoying the view. 

We marveled at how many roads were still impassable and the incredible number of vehicles that were still abandoned along the roads. 

We made it to Mass on our second try (first church was still closed.) And then we walked out of the church to this view.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Talk about a Snow Day!

Positives of cabin fever, the kids invented a game to play together.

Next door- thankfully the big drifts in our yard avoided our driveway! But Bryan and Jonah helped the neighbor on the other side (that looked just like this.) After which they invited us over for coffee and juice. They are the sweetest older couple with 15 grandchildren and 10.5 great-grandchildren! They were so relaxed about the kids being kids and playing. And then they sent us home with a table and some chairs to borrow. So wonderful to have somewhere to sit!

Bryan, starting on the backyard fort. It doesn't look like that much snow from this angle but that drift is at least 4 feet deep and covers most of our yard.

Selah, starting a tunnel fort out front.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Bomb Cyclone 2019

They were calling for potentially the worst storm in the history of Colorado. We haven't yet heard if it was indeed that, but it was the worst storm we've ever experienced! Wind speeds were recorded at 97 miles per hour and over 1100 drivers were stranded in the Colorado Springs area. It was incredible but I hope that was a first and last!

Check out that wind gust at about 30 seconds!
We were all excited to hang the one thing we had in the car- a beautiful gift from the Martins!

Game time all day long.

You get creative when you have no furniture- at least when you are 17!

The start in the back yard. Notice it's flat...

Trying to stay positive and enjoy the fire. That didn't last long.