Friday, March 29, 2019

Crazy Colorado Weather!

It was a beautiful sunny morning, chilly, but not bad in the sun. We went to Mass at noon,  and then played at the church's playground for a few minutes. 

Jonah was disappointed to realize monkey bars just aren't what they used to be!

Proof they do occasional play nicely together. 

I greatly enjoyed the fantastic moutain views while they played but my phone died before I could take a picture to share. 

Later in the afternoon,  we got our first decent hail storm. Hail is a big thing here, and we've actually had hail twice already.  But this time it was loud enough to really catch your attention. Or make you panic because you bought a new car yesterday and it doesn't fit in the garage! 

Luckily, Bryan had just gotten home and there was a team effort to kinda protect it. 

The kids were all pretty amazed that you could just scoop it up by the handful! 

The mostly protected van, just barely squeezed in there. Garage didn't shut, but the house provided some cover.

And as quickly as it came,  it was gone- leaving rivers flowing down the road.  

But it didn't stop there,  all of that was followed by snow before bed! 

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