Monday, April 1, 2019

A Day in the Life...

We had our first Dad-less ski trip today.  
It was...well...less than perfect to say the least! 

It all started with Selah vomiting in the car.  Before we even made it to Denver. She claimed car sickness and insisted she was fine to continue. Shortly after Denver, she vomited again. All I could think of was all the work that went into getting everyone ready. It's a lot of gear. Ski gear. Snow gear. Lunch gear. And we'd already spent almost 2 hours in rush hour traffic.  But she kept insisting she was fine. So we continued.  

Blessedly, we've dealt with car sickness ever since Jonah was turned forward facing in his car seat at a year old.  That's not the blessed part. But we ALWAYS have gallon sized ziploc bags under the passenger seat and all well versed in the process of avoiding mess. 

And then, about an hour out from the resort, Elijah vomited.  He had said he didn't feel well, and the mountains are quite winding. He had a bag on his lap but had fallen asleep... so that didn't work out well. If you ever wondered... mountain gas stations do not sell wet wipes or spare sweats.  

Eventually, we found a dollar general and they had some sweats. 

So we continued to continue.  It took about 4 hours vs 2.5, between the traffic and the illness we were quite delayed. 

So we get on the slopes and Selah and Elijah did one run. It was then time for lunch. We ate at the top because there's a nice picnic area.  They didn't even want to ski down, they were done. I did make them ski down but took them to the car and they watched movies while I cleaned out the frightening car and the other 3 boys skied.

It was a long day, let me tell you.  

The worst of it was pulling the 2 of them and all our gear back to the car. Quite possibly the hardest thing I've ever done. It's uphill the whole way and I was in ski boots.  The kind without a walk setting.  

Miserable. I think it took me a half hour. 

But we survived! 


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