Monday, September 21, 2009

Jonah dumped the rice krispies...

And Selah found them. Apparently they taste better off the floor than off the highchair tray because she is going to town!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fine! I'll get it myself!

Apparently Mom wasn't quick enough with the breakfast this morning!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Should have looked in the toy box!

For over a year now, the charger for the video camera has been missing. We finally bought a new one... For the small sum of $70(the camera was only $200!)...when Selah was born. Today, I was in the boys' room, where Noah had dumped out the whole toy box. And what did I see? Yep. They said I "gave it" to them. Well, sometimes I do mindless things, I will admit, but I'm quite certain that I did not GIVE them the charger to the video camera! I used to be good about cleaning out their toy box- apparently I need to get back into the habit of that!

Sunday the 20th

Just in case you haven't heard via Facebook or snail mail (my apologizes, I am losing my mind right now) we are having a cookout in Ohio on the 20th of September- this coming Sunday. We will be in town for a wedding & haven't time to drive around to visit, but would love to see everyone. It will be in Graffton at my brother's house, call or email to let me know if you can come & I'll get you directions! I am sorry for the lack of notice, it's just been hectic.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So I was trying to catch up...

and at least get Selah's birthday pictures up.  But they have a new uploader for the pictures.  And I've been at this for almost 2 hours.  And between a slow computer, a slow internet connection, and the new uploader that just screwed up all my pictures and now they aren't in order...I'm calling it a night.  Sorry.  Maybe this weekend I will have the time and patience to deal with this...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It was all I could think of when I saw this picture. And since I am so far behind you may never see the pictures of the airshow (I'm trying, I promise) I just thought that I would share really quick. (And it was taken pretty far away with my telephoto lens. Not paparazzi quality, but hey...)
