Wednesday, October 21, 2020

28 weeks!

I always dread this appointment. 
Gestational diabetes screening, Rhogam injection, and bloodwork are all on my list of, "No, thanks!"
We survived, though it was a long day. OB appts started at 830am and I was stuck until hanging out until my ultrasound at 2pm. There really wasn't that much downtime, as I had to meet with the intake nurse and then the OB. Followed by glucose and bloodwork. Then I had to take blood to the blood clinic to receive my Rhogam, and return to OB for the injection. It was after 1230 by the time I accomplished all of that. 

They have removed the food-coloring and the carbonation! But they left all of the preservatives and junk. SOOOO gross. 

Pictured, 8 tubes. Then she went to grab another from elsewhere. NINE tubes of blood. I swear this is only at a military facility. I was so proud of myself for not passing out.

The reward of the miserable morning, sweet pictures of baby Judah!

It is much easier to see what his feet look like in 3D! He was moving too much to get a clear shot of the left foot, but it looks similar. I found this nice because I didn't feel like they look as bad as some of the pictures I have seen of other people's kids!

His weight is great, estimated to be 3 pounds 12 ounces. He's overall measuring in the 89 percentile, and in line with a 31 weeker. 

Fluid was normal today! Yay! (I could tell it had decreased, as I was feeling much more comfortable over the last week.) Just slightly under the threshold, but I call that a win as it means there is plenty in there for his lung development. 

As for the urinary tract...well there was one positive! 
The right kidney looked normal with no excess fluid! The left was showing too much fluid, measuring 12 mm. However, kidney tissue and development appeared normal. We are hoping maybe next time they will both have normal fluid levels!

The bladder was classified as prominent, but wasn't crazy large. Both ureters showed severe dilation. They really seem to the be the worst of the issue. They certainly were worse than last month, but maybe that will be the only issue.

Overall, I felt like it was a good appt. There was no mention of stillbirth or early delivery this time. Maybe he just felt like that point had been made, but I'll take it either way.