Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Noah made the frozen pumpkin custard. I heard it was fabulous. We won't forget it until after the kitchen is painted, since there are pumpkin splatter stains everywhere. 

In true Noah fashion, he concocted a way to not hold the mixer. If you set it just so, it sits in the spout on the bowl and runs in a chaotic little pattern looking like it's going to make a mess but stopping just short of it. A video would have been a nice touch,  but I didn't think of it. 

When he splattered the walls,  he splattered everything. Himself included.  

Little Judah woke up after 20 minutes and we all panicked knowing there wouldn't be a second nap. Jonah went to try to get him back to sleep and was successful... he slept for 3 hours! Wish I got 3 hours at night...

Selah wanted her hair straightened. It's been over a year since we've done it,  and it's gotten so long! It's almost to her waist.  (Notice Micah,  who is camera shy, jumping out of the shot.  Of note, he doesn't like her hair straight and wasn't afraid to tell her.)

We never did get a group shot.  But here's a few from the day. 

Susan always does an incredible job and everything looked beautiful. 

And then this little guy. I wanted a pic in his cute little outfit and he wasn't having it. 

And then he was oh so tired. He looked like he was going to fall asleep as Olivia pushed him back and forth for 15 minutes. That girl got a workout in! 
Don't let him fool you, he had fun! 

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