Friday, November 5, 2021

Donuts on Friday

You know you got up too early when you're asleep on the couch at 7 am... he's cute, though. 

Finally made it out to Yates for cider and donuts. I was grateful for the continued lack of smell (thanks to COVID). Made it a bit easier to not enjoy them. But as I handed them out to Bryan and the kids, I could almost taste them. So warm, soft, light, with that bit of crunch from the sugar. They're in a league of their own. Looking forward to next Fall already. 

After donuts and dropping kids at Quo Vadis, it was doctor appt time! Yay! Judah looks great. Growing well.  Was clearly mismeasured last month on his length, they measured 3 separate times to make sure. Overall, no concerns. Except the pesky food thing. We've been pushing through with a new probiotic this week, so she said give it 2 weeks in that and then try feeding him directly again. She also said to keep her updated through the portal and we will adjust the plan as necessary,  depending how things progress. Certainly a relief to have someone interested in keeping an eye on it. 

Future possibles are elemental formula trial and visit with allergist. Waiting to see if we can make any progress with probiotic first. 
 Playing on the screen with Dad!

I lost Judah this evening.  He crawled off while I was pumping. No one else was home and I suddenly realized it was completely quiet. I panicked. And then he didn't make a sound when I was calling him. I found him in the dining room,  looking at the cuckoo clock.  When he saw he,  he just pointed and said cuckoo.  Sadly, it wasn't time for the cuckoo.  He sure does love that thing. 

It's rare I get to hold a sleeping baby these days. He looks so big and it makes me so sad.  

Elijah was practicing his awesome big brother skills making Judah towers to knock down!

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