Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Sweet Judah

Judah's doing well. Recovery was pretty rough, he was in a lot of pain. They gave him a couple doses of fentynal and quite a few doses of morphine and that finally seemed to work.

He's pretty much just slept, whimpering here and there, and any movement makes him cry. But if everyone just stays still...he's in a good place. 

Praying the night goes well and that tomorrow he's more alert! 

He peeked for a minute. But no recognition yet. 

The swollen leg is doing much better. They don't think there's anything to worry about, just needs more time to get rid of all the fluid.
Doesn't look too bad, given all that he went through! And his sweet belly is so much smaller

Today's oddity....only diet drinks are available in the hospital. We checked all the cafés,  and vending machines. Juice is the only sugared thing to be found. Even the Gatorade was sugar free. A little hard core for us! (I brought my own body armor. But still.)

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