Saturday, May 15, 2021

Saturday Stretches

Mornings with this guy are just the best. I can't help but adore every second. He's generally alert but quiet and quick with fleeting smiles. And he stretches a lot.  

Then it was gone for that morning nap.  He's so precious with his little spit bubbles and dimpled hand. 21 minutes.  After 2 days of an hour for his morning nap,  I thought maybe we were on to something new. Sadly,  I was wrong.  I did rock him for another hour until I got a call that Noah was late for his driving time with an instructor.  Then all chaos broke loose. 

Micah: we're just snuggling,  Mom. You can do what you need.  

Judah: Mommmmmmmm.... don't leave meeeeee.....

A quick nap on the car picking Noah up and a lot of awake time- I thought we were going to have a great afternoon nap.  

26 minutes. He was so lonely,  can't you tell?

And then he was rescued!

And now we sit.  Rocking.  Because babies who haven't napped are even less fun than rocking a baby while he naps!

I know,  I'll miss this.  I totally believe that is true. But at the moment,  it's hard not to think about the other things I need to do- laundry,  dishes,  dinner, taxes, spend some time with the other 5 children.  Bryan went fly fishing today, so the other kids are spending way too time unsupervised or with a screen.  This too shall l shall pass. 

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