Monday, May 10, 2021

Cranbrook House and Gardens

We went to Cranbrook Gardens a couple of weeks ago when the weather was nice.  (28 April to be exact.)

A little early in the year for the gardens to be really great,  but the weather was nice and being outside was fabulous. 

Trying to be a big kid in a stroller! 

I read all about it that day,  but I don't remember the details. You can read more here. It's 40 acres and a 30,000 sqft mansion. They also have a day school (37k a year)  and boarding school (50k a year.)  Some big names have gone there including Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann.

Not the best sleeping stroller!

I couldn't take it at this point and lowered the back.  You can guess how that ended.  Let sleeping babies lie as they choose!

The school across the lake. 

Not so happy he was awaken.

Our guide with the map.
We didn't follow the guide at all points because of the stroller.  But he did great leading the rest of the crew. 

Pollen reminding me of our GA days. 

That face.  Dad was trying to teach him about trees..

All that map reading is exhausting! Plus there's no point in pushing an empty stroller!

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