Tuesday, May 11, 2021

4 months and Sleepy

Shocking news- I spent my whole day with Judah. Kinda like every other day. I'm not complaining, exactly. Realistically,  there's no where I'd rather be. (But the house and other kids could use a little more Mom around.)

I try to not only remember how quickly this all goes, but also how lucky we are to have this guy. And he's here at home with us. And he's doing so well! We are so very blessed, even if Mom and Judah hibernate most of the time.

And seriously...look at that sweet face. How can you not want to snuggle all day?! 

Sometimes he likes to creep me out and sleep with his eyes open. Shudder. 

More snuggling. 

I thought he was finally waking up. Turns out he just wanted to sleep in my elbow.

He also had his 4 month check up today.  
Head was 17in. 
Length 26 inches. 
Weight 15 lbs. 6 oz. His weight hasn't increased from his GI appt last week so I think we need to keep praying for more milk. 

Overall, all is good! 

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