Thursday, July 30, 2009

Random "catch up" pictures...

The kids and I made pancakes the other day...
this is significant because it is the first time I have let them help cook/bake since we moved. I fell bad, but the kitchen's small enough I bump into stuff on my own...3 extra moving bodies in the kitchen is not high on my list of things I want to deal with. I'm a horrible mother, but here's Selah, helping out...

1 Tablespoon of sugar? I think you misread that, Mom. This is way too small. Maybe 5 of these?
Jonah and Noah, happily stirring our batter. Jonah appears to need a bigger chef hat...

Moving on...
Selah really enjoyed my birthday present, mini springform pans.

So Daddy (duh, of course! Mom was having a cow because they hadn't been washed yet!) gave her some puffs to eat out of "her" new dishes.

Later that night...
Whatcha got, Dad?

Wait, wait. I have to get closer to see this!

Could it be?

It is!! Dove Unconditional Chocolate ice cream. I have heard SO much about it. Just a little taste, Daddy? Please? You're my best friend!
We needed something to put all the school stuff in, and were able to get an entertainment stand off of Craig's list for $40. We brought it home and cleaned it up (thankfully, since I found a razor blade in it!) and Selah was in Heaven...
She crawled right in!
WOW! Thanks, Mom and Dad!!!
(Bryan thinks she looks just like Jonah in this picture. I laughed because, although she does, Jonah probably couldn't have fit his head in there, much less his whole body at 10 months!)

That is all that has happened since we have been back from the trip, so I hope to get back to those trip pictures, now...
but I'd better get in the shower so I can get to the ultrasound!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Now listen - I know you have a I expect to know if you are having a boy or a girl AS SOON AS THEY TELL YOU!!!. Now stop posting random pictures and go look at that baby.