Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday Funday...Or Not When it's Drill Weekend.

Notice there's no kids in my pictures. That's because I barely saw them. It was 630 by the time I got home.  But Jonah smoked pork, so it was sure nice to come home and eat! Sorry, no pictures.  We were hungry!

Also, have I complained about how ridiculous the time change is lately? Yesterday? Oh good, then you already know how I feel.  

There's always a silver lining, though. And that's getting to enjoy the sunrise again on my way in, in the mornings!

Then there's another one for the "random things seen in an Air Force medical unit" file. Just my view walking down the hallway, today.

And we couldn't help ourselves. We had tapioca again tonight. Honestly, it's quick and easy after working all day... and it's just so incredibly delicious.  

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