Friday, March 20, 2020

Beach Day in March!

We had a late start this morning as we waited to leave until after Sam's Club opened at 9. We got there at a couple minutes after and still had to wait to get in. But we were rewarded with 36 eggs!! Woohoo! Sausage and egg burritos for breakfast tomorrow!

Had a nice view of some helicopters flying above DC.

Crossed a giant 4 mile long bridge (most of it not pictured.) We didn't die, so that was good. But there were wind advisories on the way home and I was glad it was dark. 
And made it to the beach. We went to Cape Henlopen State Park in DE. The water was frigid but the air was 80. 
We tried to fly a kite.
We even kept trying.
But it was just too windy so we sat and enjoyed the breeze and views.

Including views of dolphins!
Someone missed the "don't get wet because we havent a change of clothes" memo.
And our beautiful daughter got wet and then turned herself into a sugar cookie. 

So we gave up and enjoyed the views and breeze anyway. 
Finally, we grabbed some takeout and tried to watch the sunset over the Rehoboth Bay. 

Sadly, the clouds foiled our plans for a great sunset. But Jonah practiced his form and the other kids got as close to getting wet as they could without getting in trouble - seeing as how we stopped and bought them new clothes. 

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