Friday, March 13, 2020

Colorado Day

This sweet child clearly got up way too early this morning.  He found me on the couch working through my morning prayers, curled up next to me, and promptly fell back asleep.  I then carried him back upstairs and placed him in my bed so I could shower. He slept another hour. 

He came down just in time to use the new infrared thermometer to check the temperature of his breakfast. He deemed it just right. 

Then, there was this sweet child.  Who lovingly cleaned the outside of the window.  You can't trek here,  but she's on the roof of the porch and was terrified.  

Dinner today was inspired by Selah and the fact that today is the anniversary of our arrival to Colorado. The kids named it Colorado Day. It's sad Bryan's been gone 5 weeks already and we are working toward the same. 

So we made a Denver omelet to celebrate. I'm not sure the kids enjoyed it but they liked the idea of it. 

We also had pancakes and hashbrowns (not pictured.) This was Jonah's pancake. I thought it ironic that it came out looking like a grumpy teenager so couldn't help but give it to one. 

Just another beautiful sunset.

Waiting on Noah to join us for prayer,  the kids made up a car game to entertain themselves while Jonah used their little camera with some built in games as entertainment.

I prayed for help from the kids to get the house on the market.  My prayers were answered in an unforeseen way shortly after. "I just wanted to help you,  mama!"

Well I was thinking more asking the lines that you not walk through the house sprinkling your belongings throughout it like confetti. But I suppose I should take what I can get. 

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