Sunday, March 15, 2020

Seven Years and His Dreams are Coming True!

It's always interesting to try to recap the day based on whatever random pictures I took today.  

We started the day with a weather advisory for intense fog. It was a freezing fog again and I think I took a few pictures. But then I dumped all the pictures from my phone to my computer.  So we will start halfway through the day with a peak that reminded me of Mt Rainer, just peaking through the clouds.

It became more visible as the day went on, and I don't have a picture but the sky cleared and we had a fabulous, colorful sunset. 

The kids also got headphones for their plane ride tomorrow.  They were super excited to try them out and the house was bizarrely quiet.

And we finished the day with entertainment courtesy Elijah. He has waited SEVEN YEARS and his dreams are coming true tomorrow. He's going to get to ride on an airplane!

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