Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The only thing worse than broken glass..

Is broken glass that absolutely shatters into a bazillion pieces along with something sticky that gets spilled- like balsamic vinegar. Even better is when it happens as you are walking out the door to the gym, & by the time you get it all cleaned up, there isn't time to go to the gym. And of course this would happen when you've just mopped the floor only hours before. And let me just say, cutting youself on broken glass is bad enough without getting vinegar in the cut! There was only one thing left for me to do, go run in the rain.

I LOVE to run in the rain. It is my favorite weather to run in, but it has to be chilly- like 40s or 50s. I love everything about it. I love splashing through puddles and having squishy shoes. I love that you can sweat and no one can really tell because you are soaked. I love the sound of the cars as they roll along the wet pavement. I love that people look at you like you are totally nuts- not only are you choosing to run, you are choosing to run in the rain! I love that your hair gets wet and sticks to your head and therefore isn't in your face at all.I love that you don't get hot, or cold. I love having to wipe water off your face because it's dripping. I just love it! The only thing I don't love is having to avoid the worms that are everywhere. Or having to come home and feed a baby instead of getting a shower...

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