Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Mommy By Jonah and Noah

Jonah and Noah answered some questions for me (I got them from Facebook). You might enjoy their responses.

1. What is something mom always says to you?
Noah: I don't know- ummm, not to jump on the COUCH!
Jonah: Go to your room.

2. What makes mom happy?
Noah: I don't know-Taking a nap
Jonah: Obeying.

3. What makes mom sad?
Noah:I don't know- going stinky in my pull-up (him, not me. THANKFULLY he is back to being COMPLETELY potty trained for the last couple of months.)
Jonah: Disobeying.

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Noah:I don't know- by saying something funny
Jonah: When you give me something that I really really really like. (That makes him laugh??)

5. What was your mom like as a child?
Noah: I don't know- a baby
Jonah: This is the hardest one... she looked like Selah. (Well, I will take that as a compliment seeing as how Selah is super cute.)

6. How old is your mom?
Noah: Ummm I don't know- 80? ( gee thanks!)
Jonah: 27

.7. How tall is your mom?
Noah: I don't know
Jonah: If Dad's 6 feet, then you have to be, maybe 5 feet? How tall ARE you?

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Noah: I don't know- to put me in time out!
Jonah: Tell me to go to my room- oh, I know! Go grocery shopping.

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Noah:I don't know- put me in time out. And feed Selah.
Jonah: Well I'm pretty much ALWAYS around. Sometimes I am at Tyler's house. Usually cook dinner.

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Noah: I don't know
Jonah: Having a hundred babies. (Laughs uncontrollably- Heaven I sure hope not!!!)

11. What is your mom really good at?
Noah:I don't know- JUMPING!
Jonah: Vacuuming!

12. What is your mom not very good at?
Noah: Umm, feeding Selah.
Jonah: You're good at everything! (Talk about sucking up!)

13. What does your mom do for her job?
Noah: Oh, I don't know. Go to your school (Funny, I finished school a year ago.)
Jonah: Feeds Selah.

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Noah: Ummm, carrots.
Jonah: Bacon! (YEP!)

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Noah: I don't know- carrots. Going potty.
Jonah: When you burn like 400 calories at your gym. (Probably need to stop taliking about that in front of him!!)

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Noah:I don't know-
Jonah:Ummmm...what is your favorite character? Then I can answer! (Can you tell my kids don't watch much TV?)

17. What do you and your mom do together?
Noah:I don't know- play.
Jonah: We do schoolwork (benefits of homeschooling- that's about all of our time together!)

18. How are you and your mom the same?
Noah: I don't know, because we are made out of dust.
Jonah: We both have stuffy noses.

19. How are you and your mom different?
Noah: I don't know, because, because, because we have different heads.
Jonah: We are not the same height.

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Noah:Because I like you.
Jonah: Because she kisses me.

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Noah: Umm, the gym.
Jonah: Uhhh, hmmm, I don't know! (Seeing as how I don't go anywhere...) Actually going to Georgia!

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