Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Bryan just sent me an email. It said they are forcasting snow for Monday and Tuesday of next week. I looked it up on They really are forcasting snow. IN OCTOBER! It's still swimming weather in GA! And Bryan wants to move to Montana. It is currently 34 degrees in Missoula. I'm thinking he should may rethink that. Of course we hated the south (TX, GA, CA and AZ) so I am not sure where that leaves us. Maybe back to Seattle?


Strawser 6 said...

Virginia! All 4 seasons...a little snow in January or so. and that's it!
Feel like driving 11 hours to come see me? It's still in the 70s around here.

Love of lilacs said...

WELCOME! to Michigan, just wait it'll most likely be 75 degress on Thanksgiving! lol!