Friday, October 24, 2008

Poor Selah

Sweet little Selah having a rough time lately. Her umbilical cord has still not come off- we are at 7 1/2 weeks now and 2 cauterizations with the Silver Nitrate. It now smells, and the area is looking red, so i am concerned that there may be an infection. I guess I will be calling the doctor's office AGAIN. They know me well now and have even figured out how to pronounce Selah's name. Sad.
In addition, I was hasty in saying that there were no signs of reflux with her. I guess I should have kept my mouth shut. It now appears that she does have reflux. Her that is inflamed and she has been having trouble eating. Not to mention the "spit up"- which is less than with Noah, so I just figured it was normal. Guess not. She was given a prescriptCheck Spellingion, but I am having difficulty getting her to swallow it. So I haven't seen much improvement the last few days, but I am still hopeful. We have had some rough days and nights, and it breaks my heart because she just wakes up screaming like she is in pain. So say a little prayer that we will get this all figured out and she will be less miserable.

On a positive note, her jaundice is about gone. She is very fair skinned like her dad. She is smiling and cooing (when she isn't screaming) and it is so sweet. She is also batting at stuff, and it is hilarious since she has so little control. I don't know what I am going to do when there aren't any more babies in my house. Wait for the grandchildren, I guess.
Here's some random pics from recent weeks:

Noah, must have been sneaking the cooking sherry when I wasn't looking!
He is proudly displaying his new sweatshirt from GG. Didn't think it would be cold enough to wear it yet, but I was wrong.

I don't THINK that Noah was really going to hit her, but you never know. Sure looks incriminating. Selah was in the middle of her 12th clothing change of the day. I thought she would never get to wear all of the clothes, no worry, she can wear them all in one day.

Doing the "Friday dance."
Weekends rock when your actually get to spend them with your family.
Guess I really don't miss GA that much.

DAD! You can't be serious! I haven't even learned to roll over or sit up! Stop dreaming about coaching my soccer team!

Jonah proudly displaying his newly constructed Lego X-wing.

Watching the planes take off. Sure glad to have Daddy back again!

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