Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Surgery Tomorrow

I apologize for being so behind. I have a bunch of partially written drafts I need to finish...but until then....

I'm not sure my update ever went through after his MAG-3.  To recap, they found blockage on the left side, causing the increasing hydronephrosis and dilation of the ureter. 

Maybe this is good news, as it is hopefully a pretty easy fix and may explain. A lot of his discomfort.  We've had some success with being diligent about a warm bath as many nights as possible. That seems to help him empty his bladder and reduce pressure during the night. It's truly been a game changer (and why I really think we need to start cathing.) On the nights that we are out late and can't get him to get in the bath because he's too tired, it's always a bad night. 

So they believe that scar tissue has created a blockage at the connection between the ureter and bladder. When he had his surgery in February,  they reconstructed his ureters to be shorter and thinner (because they were "dilated and torturous" and then reimplanted them into the bladder in a position that they believe would eliminate the reflux that was causing the hydronephrosis.  This reconnection appears to be where there is scar tissue causing blockage. 

Tomorrow they will remove the piece of ureter with the blockage and then reimplant it once again. I assume this means a stent to keep it open while healing and then a quick outpatient procedure to remove that again in a month or two. Of course, the stent can also cause discomfort, so it could still be a bit before we know how much this improves things. 

Please keep him in your prayers. We hope for a safe and successful surgery. Easy placement of the IV and no issues with infiltration for the duration of the stay. Good pain management.  And ...peace at home while we are otherwise occupied! Pray for his entire medical team, especially the surgeon and anesthesiologist.  And that we get great nurses, particularly at night! 

I'll do my best to update here first. Arrival time is 0945, so I'm guessing surgery starts between 11 and 12. The expectation is 3 days inpatient, and no returns for infection this time! 

We pray for all of you who are praying for him.❤
Waking EJ up for school. 

Just a big kid hanging out. Look at those cheeks, don't you just want to kiss or squeeze them?!

Hiding is a favorite activity these days. And he's pretty good at it-in a scary way! 

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