Sunday, September 18, 2022

We had a potluck at our parish today. We were supposed to bring pulled pork. Bryan smoked about 25 pounds of pork during the Buckeyes game last night and then put it in the oven to keep cooking low and slow. I had gone to bed early with a headache, but we do this all the time so I wasn't worried.

I woke up during the night and thought it was weird I couldn't smell the meat. This is actually what I hate about the overnight- in- the- oven method. I have a hard time sleeping because the smell of the meat annoys me. 

However, I still don't have normal smell a year post-covid, so I chalked it up to that.

And got up this morning to 117 degree meat that was in an oven that was off. 

While some sources suggest it'll be fine, others did not and we weren't into giving our parish food poisoning. It was sad to throw this all away! 

Then I made 2 pans of GF brownies. That came out like this. 

So I went to Meijer at 8 am and paid way too much money for more meat and GF brownie mix. I pressure cooked 8 pounds of pork, because that was ask there was time for. Not nearly the same,  but it was edible. And the other brownies came out just fine. What a morning. 

The potluck itself went very well and had more people than expected!

The his played cornhole after they ate and the kids chalked the sidewalk. (It was 86 degrees today! )

This was a pants-less Judah refusing to go home.  (He's lost some weight again and his pants kept falling off so Selah just took them off.)

And this. Seriously. He had surgery barely a week ago. They cut him to his belly button. His abdominal muscles are so thin thanks to the Prune Belly that you can see his intestines.  And he's over here like every other kid with no issues. It's a little mind boggling, I don't even know what to think!
There were car show signs by the church and Elijah convinced me to drive past even though it was 530. There wasn't much left but we saw this beauty!!

And then I realized there were TWO C-1s. He couldn't believe they were left unattended. 

This mustang followed us almost the whole way home. Elijah kept asking me to show down so that guy could catch up... you know, in case he wanted to come up at a stop light and just give us his car. As if that happens?! And, I mean, it's not a Corvette so...I guess I'd take it but still. The Minivan is rather practical and the insurance is less. 

EJ writing prayer requests to put under his sleeping St Joseph. He didn't want me to see them so I hope they didn't have anything to do with electronics! We're on a screen break right now and they aren't the happiest about it. 

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