Friday, December 26, 2008

Noah's Fourth Christmas

Noah was pretty excited about Christmas this year.

Maybe not so much about the clothes, though.
Then I convinced him to look at the clothes instead of just pitching the box to the side.
I think he was glad that he did...

Because waiting inside was a shirt that reads:
i wanna drive the (picture of a Zamboni).

According to Noah his shirt says:
"I like to drive the ice machine!"

I don't REALLY have to take my shirt off to wash it, do I?

The "ice machine driver, Nick" is driving his other truck.
The Hess truck this year is a dump truck with a front-end loader.
The boys LOVE these trucks, which are only put out at Christmas, and having working lights, sounds and motorized parts!
Noah is in total shock that he got HIS OWN light saber for Christmas.
(It had to be Sith, as I think we have all the other colors.)
He was SO excited (since now Jonah cannot take it away from him), though I think Jonah played with it more than Noah. Unbeknownst to me, NONE of Jonah's 3 light sabers work anymore. (and they don't just need new batteries.) Poor Jonah, he might just have to use his imagination for the lights and sounds...
This is the Ice machine driver in his new hat.

The infamous Diego train set. (see quote of the day)
Amazingly enough, he said he just wanted Santa to bring this train set- EVEN AFTER he had seen it in my closet. He said, "I hope I get the rest of the Diego train set. Oh wait. (ran to my closet- but I had moved it) Oh, yeah, it's not there. I hope Santa brings it for me!"
Noah, not sure if he is enjoying his lollipop from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Debbie.
(But he did eat the whole thing, so it couldn't have been too bad!)

Oh, I wasn't on the table! Really I wasn't!

This time he was quicker than the camera. (Note the tablecloth and the track hanging off the table.)

Once again, I really wasn't on the table!
He told me:"I cannot climb on the table because I might get hurt and Santa would be sad that I could not play with my new Thomas train set!"

1 comment:

Strawser 6 said...

Sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas! I hope you have a happy and healthy start into 2009! A trip to VA would kick off the year just perfectly!