Friday, March 19, 2021

Judah Always Wins

We started our day off right. I folded laundry and helped Micah with math while Judah napped and Elijah watched over him. 

That was my productive hour.

I'll be honest,  I knew it was the Feast of St Joesph but forgot it was a solemnity. Therefore, this cutie and I made pierogi.

I heard they were good.  I tried using the same recipe for gluten-free/ dairy-free ones,  but it so did not stay together.  I'll have to look for a recipe specific to gluten free,  as I know I've made them before and they turned out. 

Selah didn't care for them.  Noah wouldn't try them.  It reminded me of the first time I had homemade pierogi. My grandparents sent it home from the St Monica's parish festival.  I was probably 10. I thought they were awful and was so relieved to get Mrs.T's the next time.  Sometimes,  it's all about what you grew up on. 

Bryan tried valiantly to get Judah to nap.  He even tried the human car seat swing. He was so close but ultimately Bryan tapped out first.

If there's one thing we've all learned this year so far,  it's that Judah always wins. Accept that and you're golden. 

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