Friday, March 26, 2021


Elijah LOVES being a big brother. Really, truly loves it. He will drop anything to help, especially hold, Judah. Video games, dinner, playing with friends, Judah comes first. 

Judah, on the other hand, may not be quite as fond of Elijah as of yet.

It's not all bad, though.

Until Elijah triea to play peek-a-boo with him.

Then we're back to "Why, mom?!"
You know those memes you see these days- the ones that play on how kids walk past Dad to find mom to ask something silly Dad could have handled? 

Well, that's certainly my life. Every day. Generally when I'm trying to get Judah to sleep and NO ONE can seem to whisper.
But other times, I get it. Today, was a grey area. 

S-Mom, do you think you can set Judah down for a minute? 
-not likely to go well, Selah. Is it important enough to wake Judah up?
S- no, I guess not. 
-Dad is right here, maybe he can help you?
B- I can help you? What do you need, Selah?
S-well... I just need Mom to cut my apple for me. 
B- I  can cut an apple for you. Or YOU can.
S-no, I know. I can, it's fine. I just wanted Mom to cut it nice and thin, I can't do it like she does.
B-I can cut it thin for you!
S- well...
She reluctantly handed over her apple. I won't say he cuts thin like Mom. But I will say the baby got to stay asleep and the apple was edible. Compromise is our current lifestyle.  

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