Friday, January 15, 2021

Unexpected Freedom!

Today was a busy day for Judah. He had a pediatrician appt at 9 am. He measured 21 1/4 inches and weighed 8 pounds 4.5 ounces. Not too shabby at 10 days old! He's still pretty yellow but his bilirubin level was down so no lights. AND...they used a device that they just pressed on his chest rather than a blood draw. Tell me why the NICU doesn't have that! Overall, all looked great and his doc was on the ball and had all of his referrals already put in the system.

We headed straight from there to the orthopedic surgeon. And what a happy appointment that was! I was upset the whole drive thinking we should have waited longer to start this because I wasn't ready to give up his sweet little feet that curl up under him. 
This was the one outfit that I bought him...and I thought it would be the only time he got to wear it as I expected he was going home in casts. (He was a bit camera shy today.)

But the doc came in, and at first glance said...I don't think he has club foot. Let's take a closer look. It's been questioned since birth, but it seemed that it had been decided that is was bilateral,  just a very mild case. This doc said his left foot is definitely positional, as it can easily be moved into the correct place. His right, is mildly club foot. But there are 4 things that make up the diagnosis and he only has one. He stated that he's call it a 4 out of 20, which is the most mild it can be. 

His suggestion is stretching for the next 2 weeks and see where he is after that. If it hasn't gotten better, we will do a couple of casts to just stretch it all out but not the full club foot casting with braces etc. 

Yes, Bryan and I are both a bit nervous that he is wrong and we will need treatment later in life, which we were trying to avoid as that is obviously more traumatic.  However, we will be switching providers in 2 months when we move back to MI anyway, so easy time to get a second opinion. And that means we can enjoy more of the cuddly baby in the mean time! Going back home free to bend as I please!

Sweet napper.

Judah snuggling with Micah.

Staring at Jonah in wild fascination.

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