Friday, January 8, 2021

Another Pretty Morning View

I have to admit,  my view is better here than it is at the apartment! But that's the only thing better. I am so anxious to go home. 

Here's our little sweetheart this morning,  looking like a baby Wilhelm boy!

Waiting on morning rounds,  but urology and orthopedic have been by already this am.  

Urology wants 2 ultrasounds today. One to check the status of the urinary tract now that the catheter has been in for a few days and is running clear of blood. This is to give a better baseline going forward.  The other to look at his spine and check for any potential nerve issues due to the excessively large bladder in utero.  They do those bedside, so that part is nice.  

The not so nice part is that they are not removing the catheter today. She tells me that as I sit with a soaked sleeve because it's leaking again. I was disappointed but they really don't want to remove until they care confident they won't have to reinsert since there has been so much trauma already. If all looks good on the ultrasound,  meaning the bladder is draining fully, they will remove in the morning (I hope.) Then they will monitor to see if he can empty it fully on his own. If not, we start looking to see how we will best deal with that long term.  Mostly likely learning to cath at home ourselves. 

Ortho is working on a treatment plan since we expressed desire to start casting ASAP. (We'd like to finish that regime before moving in less than 2 months.) If we get released sometime next week,  then perhaps Friday we will come back to start that.  His feet aren't too severe in terms of club foot, as I've been initially told. I think they also ordered a pelvic/ hip ultrasound to check on those aforementioned concerns and may do some imaging of his legs. They seem to hyper extend backwards at the knees when straightened and pressure is applied, ie during diaper changes. It's kinda creepy, and the right one usually clicks. I dont think they are concerned, just want to check it out. 

I heard unofficially his creatinine level dropped again, so that is awesome news. It means the kidneys are doing their thing! 

Fridays are supposedly bath day around here. And I heard he'll be getting a crib afterward instead of the warmer since he is not needing the warmer to keep his temp regulated. So exciting. 

1 comment:

Sharon Weil said...

Thank you for so faithfully updating your blog. I don’t understand most of the medical terminology but at least I can get the gist of it, and best of all I can drool over the photos! What a doll he is!!
Continued praise and petitions going up....