Saturday, January 9, 2021

Quiet Saturday in the NICU...

Another beautiful start to a day here in DC. That dome straight out is Trinity Washington University. The dome and tower to the left are the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It's super pretty, we drove past yesterday. Bryan and the kids actually stopped by but much of it was closed. They said it was pretty though.


 I forgot to mention that Bryan brought the kids up yesterday and stayed with Judah while I took the others to lunch. I didn't think to take a picture, sadly. it was nice to see them, but thanks to COVID you couldn't eat in anywhere. However, I checked online before we left and many places said dining in available in Google Maps. They lied. It was a mess. There's no parking. It was 36 degrees and 3 kids were in t-shirts. Anyway, we did manage to grab food and chat for a couple of minutes. 

They are all so.anxious to meet Judah. I hate that COVID prevents this. Hoping we are home Monday and they will only have missed out on a week of his life.

In other news, I clearly have nothing better to do than take pictures of Judah all day. So enjoy..or don't. Your choice.
Only news today was that the catheter came out this am. Hes been urinating, but we aren't clear if it is emptying the bladder or not. The nurse did a straight catheter the first 3 times and she didn't get anything... except blood. She was unsure that she actually was in the bladder and after the 3rd time called the urologist for permission to stop. After the trauma the first day, one has to wonder if something isn't perfect anatomically and she is hitting something. 

I'm terrified this may mean a vesicostomy.  Which will likely extend our stay. And anesthesia is much more concerning for someone with PBS. Teying not to panic. But if a straight cath isn't an option and the bladder isn't fully emptying...we have to do something to make it empty. And I just want to go home with him! 

So prayer requests are for a fully functioning bladder and that he will start nursing.  The pumping and feeding and holding him upright because of reflux is killing me. Sleep is nonexistent.  I really need to not have to pump! Other than that...just waiting on the barium swallow Monday. Hoping it's an early one and all looks great! 

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