Thursday, January 7, 2021

Judah's Second Day of Life

Well, our super calm, sleep-through-anything kid is starting to show his true colors. He's still as sweet as can be unless you stick his heel or try to convince him to nurse.  Those are his two scream fest moments. We are loving his little personality showing through. 

I know I never really caught up from yesterday. That's because today went so fast I never had the chance. So I'll recap today and maybe backtrack into yesterday. 

Positives- renal (kidney) function is showing good results so far. .59 on his creatinine. Electrolytes were also good. This is really great news because he is likely still showing results from my body and his should be lower than mine. The fact that they felt it was already on the normal range is wonderful news. 

Negatives- his tubes of blood keep clotting before they can run them. And he really hates the heel stuck and squeeze.  Pray he can start bleeding better? Just when they need blood,  of course.  

Procedures-xray, VCUG. X-ray results aren't back yet,  the purpose was to look twisted bowel loops. (Indicative of MMIHS).

 VCUG gave the most concrete information thus far.  It's not PUV. (AKA that Christmas Miracle we were hopeful for.)

Honestly,  we could have told you that with 98 prevent certainty. There's too many other symptoms.  It didn't make sense. 

What is it? Probably Prune Belly Syndrone. (PBS)

Why? There was not a Posterior Urethral Valve causing the back up in the urinary tract.  There was, however, vesicoureteral reflux on the right side, which is the more severe side for him. This means the urine (or in this case dye) travels back into the ureter from the bladder.  This is common with Prune Belly. 

Here's what else we know so far. His abdomen appears to have some muscles,  but they are not complete. You can perhaps see some of that here. This was yesterday,  after his bladder was drained. Notice the abdomen is not nice and smooth (between the diaper and the line).

Going to have to catch up again later. It's after 1 am. Happy almost 2 days old,  Judah!

Randomly picked pics....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to meet him!! I promise he is going to LOVE Georgia :)

Still praying for answers. But love the updates. Yay for miracles.