Tuesday, January 5, 2021

No Real News Yet

Only concrete info is that they were unsuccessful in placing a catheter. Because he did urinate by himself multiple times at birth, they didn't immediately transfer him. They will be trying again this am, likely with imaging to help. Unless he goes by himself again, they will likely be transferring him should they not succeed once again. 

He also won't eat yet. His abdomen DOES have muscles, but they seem "soft" and abnormal. Testes have not descended. They did successfully get a tube down to the stomach, just checking there wasn't an obstruction or blockage (common with Polyhydramnios.)

What does this all mean? We still don't know. Might not for a few days or weeks, actually. I'm looking forward to the transfer to Children's because I can stay in the room with him. I hate him being in the NICU without us. And potentially missing out information from the docs. 

Please keep him in your prayers! Especially that he can eat!!

1 comment:

Judahs very favorite auntie already said...

Love that third pic of his little face!!😇😇 Looks so tiny yet still sooo big compared to all my babies. Ooo the smells im missing out on 😍✨