Friday, February 17, 2012

Lunch Date!

Noah and I had a lunch date last week! It was very nice. The little two are sick, and I teach two classes at our homeschool co-op so Bryan ended up taking the day off to watch them. And then Jonah went home with a friend so that left Noah and I to run a couple errands...and we took a rare opportunity to eat lunch out together. Now, since we don't eat meat on Fridays year round around here...there aren't a whole ton of options to choose from, especially since I have a shellfish allergy (and a limited budget) so places like Red Lobster are pretty much out. We ended up at IHOP. I'm not sure Noah has ever been there, and I know he hasn't that he can remember. When 3 of your kids have food restrictions, eating out is virtually impossible unless everyone goes to a salad place. Every kid's dream, right? Anyway, Noah is back on gluten and dairy right now, so we can have a scope done and just make sure he doesn't have EE like Micah. Long story that I haven't had a chance to write about, I hope to this weekend. But if you know us well, you know Noah has always had huge issues with food and I've been to a ridiculous number of doctor appointments trying to figure out what's wrong. Sadly, no one has been overly concerned and has simply tried to treat the symptoms instead of find a cause for his problems. While I don't want him to have EE, I'd be so relived to finally have a diagnosis and work toward a cause for the poor kid. Back on topic, he was thrilled to go to IHOP and get a make-your-own-funny-face pancake. And a HOT CHOCOLATE! Sadly though, this is Noah and he was gushing the whole time about how wonderful it was and ate probably 3 bites. He did finish his hot chocolate and water, though. And it only took an hour. I admit, I was falling asleep (literally) waiting for him to finally admit he was done. But it was a good time!

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