Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Banana Boats for Breakfast!

I promised them Banana Boats for dessert last night, and then we didn't have dessert. (I'm actually not sure why, perhaps because I went to vote in the primaries.) So...I told them they could have them for breakfast. I'd probably be inclined to argue that they're healthier than most cereal so I don't feel that guilty. (Not that I let them eat cereal but once a week.) The boys loved them. Selah and Micah were too hungry to wait for them as we had already taken Bryan to work so it was 8:15. They just ate their bananas plain, then begged for handfuls of chocolate chips and marshmallows. Not surprising at all.
They did follow their bananas with waffles, yogurt, and even rainbow salad with feta (Jonah). Don't worry that all I fed them was bananas.

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