Thursday, February 23, 2012

Failed Already!

But I'm not giving up yet!

For Lent,  I've given up Facebook-like many people do. I gave it up while the kids were awake last year and vowed to only be on when feeding Micah during the night. (It helped me to stay awake!) Giving it up not only gave me many opportunities to pray for others and grow closer to God, but also to care less about what was going on on facebook when Lent was over. So,  for me, it's been a good thing to give up.

I've also vowed to pray first thing every morning, read at least a devotional everyday (but spending time with the Bible is even better when I can. Doing the daily readings with the kids is probably the closest I can come to daily reading the Bible right now, but I'll take it.) Writing weekly to my friend in prison, and extra days of prayer and fasting. It's enough to be almost overwhelming but still doable for me...and I think that's exactly what I need this year.

Oh, and one last thing. The thing I failed at. Posting on the blog everyday. I tried to do this last year, too. And I got so much positive feedback, I was shocked. Why is this something related to a Lenten sacrifice? Well, because we have quite a few family members not on facebook who really enjoy keeping up with the kids. To the point that this brings them joy and gives them something to look forward to. I'll be honest, when our kids are grown, you can bet I'll be all over any blog or such of my grandkids...even though they're going to live next door! (Well, we can dream, anyway.) Hopefully they won't be 4 hours (or more) away at least. (Driving time to our closest relatives right now.) So, while not so much a sacrifice, it's a bit of a servant's work in trying to bring joy to others. And someday our kids will have this blog to look back on. Okay, someday Bryan & I will have this blog to look back on!

I'll get on with it...sorry I failed to post yesterday, I did take a bunch of pics, so i'll try to catch up this morning...though troops are making their way out of bed now and breakfast time is looming...

Here's Selah, being Selah. Just a simple picture to show what we have to deal with when Selah is sick. We have all had the flu here...lovely, eh? Selah got it first and has had it almost 2 weeks. And she's still being a drama queen about it. Her legs wont work. She can't get in her chair for lunch. Someone is going to have to carry her. Ignoring her does one of two things. Gives you a lump to trip around as you prepare lunch or gives you a screaming, flailing monster who continually repeats she can't walk, her legs don't work, and she needs someone to carry her. Sadly, Jonah is not acceptable for this position of someone, it can only be Bryan or I. And when Bryan's at work, that Even better, one you get her in her chair...she needs you to sit with her. And she wont eat until you do. Of course, if you're not done making lunch, she has to wait. So finally everyone, besides the pregnant lady, has food and you sit down to hold the 3 year old incapable of sitting alone. And what happens? The 2 year old gets an extreme case of jealousy and HAS tp sit with you, too. But the 3 year old doesn't want to share you with the 2 year old and the 2 year old doesn't want to share you with the 3 year old. So, of course, a fight ensues. On your lap. At the lunch table. This can be messy, I speak from experience. And the pregnant lady still hasn't eaten. So her blood sugar is low and she's feeling a bit fuzzy headed. And just wants a nap. And realizes that soon, there'll be a 2 & 3 year old. And a newborn. And still, only one mom. I need a grandma next door.

And yes, Bryan and I often walk around telling "If You Give a Selah a..." stories ...likened to "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." I don't know if I've ever posted one. I'll try to next time. She's quite a source of entertainment around here.

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