Thursday, April 2, 2020

Just Another Thursday

Quiet day at the apartment for most of us today.  Bryan and I had the closest thing to a date, driving up to Maryland to drive by some houses a friend of his is considering for purchase when he moves here...once they lift all the travel bans. It was nice to get out of the apartment, even just into the car. 

We also made a stop at Trader Joe's to grab some GF items for Micah. Had to wait in line, 6 ft apart, to get in as they limited the number of customers to 25 at a time.

Selah painted her nails Easter Egg Pink.
We've been watching old home videos of the kids from the video camera.  Most of it has been entertaining... Jonah's entire soccer garne,  not so much.  This video was of Micah, a few months old, doing that funny laugh he did. Instead of laughing, he'd basically say hahahaha in this low growl. 

Much to Micah and Elijah's dismay, we ended the night playing House of Danger. A friend sent this for Christmas and the older kids love it but the younger ones are terrified. I admit, it's a bit scary. There are ghosts and crazy chimpanzees.  Scary noises to investigate.  Dolls with crazy eyes that play mind games.   We've died a few times, but luckily you get to try again.  

You can only play it once, so we can only play it all together. We played it when we first got it but Bryan's been gone so we couldn't continue until now.  There are 5 chapters, and we finished chapter 2 tonight. 3 more rounds to go....let's  see if the littles will keep playing with us. 

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