Saturday, March 24, 2012

What Happened to Summer?

While we tried to explain to the kids that it was only March and 70s degree days were not only unusual, they wouldn't last, they still seemed to think Summer was here. So this morning, as has been common the past week, they were asking to go outside and play as soon as they woke up. No breakfast necessary. Just let us go play. I told them they could but warned them it was chilly and they would want a coat. Let's just say they came back in for coats.

And then they wanted to eat their breakfast outside. They didn't care it would be cold by the time they got to the table. So Selah and Noah went out, and if you look closely, you can see them under the playset at the picnic table. Of course, Micah wanted to follow suit-and refused shoes and a coat. But it was cold enough he didn't even make it to the dewey grass before crying and coming back in because it was cold. Wishing for those 70s to come back! Sadly, this week's forecast is mostly in the 40s. Awfully cold after a week of 80s in New Orleans and a week of 70s here! We were aclimating nicely to the warmer temps!

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