Monday, March 5, 2012

5 and a half years later...

<p>I made this pillow and pillow case for Noah for his first birthday. And he used it for a couple of years, then Selah used it, and now Micah has used it for at least a year. For most of the last 5 and a half years, some child has slept on it. It has been washed once a week for most of those years (hundreds of times.) And today, as I put the cover back on it after washing...I felt a distinct, sharp poke in my hand. Yep, it was that stick pin that is sitting on top in the picture, from when I sewed it. YIKES! And people wonder why I don't pin things when I sew them! It was pretty well tucked into a thick seam, so it is unlikely that it poked the kids, but I do still feel like a horrible mother. So, should I ever find time to spend at my sewing machine sometime in the future and you receive something I've made...check it for pins! Especially before handing to children. I'm refusing to think of all the horrible things that COULD have happened and choosing to praise God for the fact none of it did.

1 comment:

Jamie said... could have told no one that story, and just showed us how the things you make are QUALITY and last through washings and washings and washings. And I was already impressed that in 5 years you had time to wash this pillowcase every week. So I'll just overlook the stickpin that showed up today. Knowing Selah she was probably trying to sew something and stuck that pin in there and it wasnt your fault at all!