Saturday, March 24, 2012

Warning:Injury photo! May be disturbing to some.

Jonah took a hot drill bit to the arm on Thursday. Ouch.

Of course, I'm either cleaning up dinner or making it, I can't remember. I hear the front door bang open and a kid in obvious pain not quite screaming. Realizing it's Jonah makes my stomach drop as he's not one to come in crying because he stepped on a rock (Selah). Dropping what I was doing I rush into the entryway and find him coming through with his T-shirt wrapped around his arm, which he's clutching to his abdomen, hunched over.

That's one of those panic moments moms (and maybe dads) get where literally in half of a second you've somehow thought of 30 things it could be. I imagine it would be similar to seeing your life flash before your eyes. It doesn't seem possible to think of so many things so quickly.

And then the war wages inside. Look. Don't look. Look. Don't look. Can I handle this?? Scale of 1-10 how likely are we about to have to scurry into the car and drive to the ER? Do I ask what happened first or just look? Or, just tell the kid to get in the car and grab my wallet and keys? Ahhh! What do I do??

Again, this is all within the first 2 seconds. Time is so odd when it seems to stop so you can think. Or maybe it's just so amazing how quickly we can think when the fight or flight system is activated. Either way, it's truly just weird.

So I decide to ask and to look, at the same time. I mean, his T-shirt was white and it wasn't blood soaked. That's reassuring. And before I really see anything he yells something about being burned. So I just went straight to the sink. And there I finally saw. Yuck. And I try to remember all the burn but not too cold with the water. No ice. Infection most worrisome. Okay. I get his arm into the water as he finally (it's been 5 seconds by this point) tells what happened. Thankfully, as I was so confused as to what could burn him. I now remember I was making dinner as I had to keep flipping chicken so it wouldn't burn while I tried to tend to him.

And Bryan "finally" (after 6 whole seconds!) Walks in and fills in the blanks in the story. Bryan was drilling holes in the brick to hang planters out front. Jonah walked up behind Bryan just as he finished a hole. Exhausted from drilling the hole (have you ever drilled into brick or concrete? Very exhausting!) Bryan drops his arm holding the drill and the bit that is hundreds of degrees hits Jonah's arm.

Ouch doesn't feel adequate.

While I'm sorry it happened, I'm so incredibly grateful it was Jonah and not Selah or Micah! Their heads are about that high. I don't even want to think about them getting hit in the face with that!

Two days later, it's still bugging him quite a bit, but seems to be doing okay. I do believe Bryan will be more careful in the future with hot drill bits and I'm thinking Jonah won't soon walk up behind someone working, especially when the tool is loud and they can't hear you!

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