Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Will Not Cry...

But I want to. I know, all kids do it, right? But I'm in the process of cutting the boys' hair so we can go take pictures!! She couldn't wait until tomorrow?? I need a nanny. Just for Selah. Bryan's here, and so am I. And she still manages to confiscate the scissors and cut her hair. Yes, it could be worse, hair grows back. This doesn't require an ER trip. And, she left a tiny little curl at the front so maybe, just maybe, it'll hide a bit. But while the pictures don't do it justice, I assure you, it's bad. I'm so sad.


Mommyto3Boys2Girl said...

Oh, Selah! Her pretty hair :( Kayla did the same thing at that age. It grows back but way too slow.

Jamie said...

Oh no!!!! Is it fixable??? I sure hope she has a little girl one days - she deserves it :)