Saturday, June 26, 2021

Splashin' on a Saturday

This is the face of an almost-teenager who got a new pet that is nocturnal.  She's had a rough couple of nights and is tired!
We recurve assume serious rain overnight.  So much that the governor had declared a state of emergency in Detroit. They got 6 inches. Every freeway was closed due to flooding.  Hundreds of cars were abandoned.  It was like the bomb cyclone of March 2019 in CO. And they're calling for another 2 inches in the next 24 hours. Insane.  

I have no idea how this could be comfortable,  but here he is,  sleeping away. 

"Mom! Close the blinds and turn on the noisemaker! I think Judah is going to let me rock him to sleep!"

So that ended like you would assume,  but it was so sweet that he wanted to try.

Someone was helping with the painting. And he may have kicked the wall.  He painted his toes and the bottom of his foot.  And then acted like he had no idea what happened!

Micah and Elijah asked for a dark grey room.  It's as dark as I'm willing to go right now.  Hope they love it. 

"MOM! this is it.  This is the year. The BROWNS are going to the SUPER BOWL! Dad said it and I agree with him." 

Time will tell...

Mosquito Paradise. Seriously, it's so large it had waves from the wind. Selah checked the depth- deeper than her boots. Of course.  

This beauty was a gift from Susan. It's Huge. It took Bryan multiple trips to lowes to get it hung.  But he did,  and at a height I can reach to water it. 

Isn't it a beauty?!

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