Wednesday, June 23, 2021

21‐Hour Wear!

Orthopedic check-up today.  It was a bit of a doozy. We were there 2 hours.  I forgot his bottle in the car (wouldn't have thought I'd need it anyway.) 

When your favorite 5 month old STARTS the ultra-long morning with this face.... you know it'll be a long morning. 

Mom,  why haven't they taken my boots off, yet? 

I don't want to wait for the doctor!

I don't want to look at the baby!

I don't want to wear boots!

Please just take them off!

Doc came and reduced his hours in boots and bar to 21 a day! Yay! Feet both look great. 

Life isn't so bad without the boots,  waiting for the boot lady to look at my heel.  

I like my boots when they aren't on my feet!

We have been such in a cycle,  if you can pray this heals. Any time I leave the bandaid off, he gets a blister. But the bandaids cause irritation where the adhesive is. This has been an issue for months and now it just looks like a hole in his foot. Lynne, the boot lady, added some padding bigger in his leg to try to keep the heel away  from the boot entirely. Really hoping this helps!

We stored at Costco on the way home. Judah was asleep in the car and I hoped he'd stay asleep.  He didn't but then laid his head on my shoulder and I was hopefully he went back to sleep.  He never just lays his head down.  I used my phone camera as a mirror and... not asleep. And he saw himself in the phone and stopped snuggling, too. But I did have a brief moment and even proof in the form of this picture! 

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