Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Practicing Tricks.

Well, after a week of wonderful naps, we are back to the 15-30 min variety. So sad because I was able to actually get some things accomplished when he was napping!

Today's first nap was 30 minutes but I was able to get him to go back to sleep for another 20. I was worried because he was sleeping on his side (which he has always loved but had to stop once he got his boots and bar.) He didn't have his boots and bar on because they were off for some play time and when Judah is done, he is DONE. There is no "let's put your boots on, right quick." He will get too worked up and be impossible to put down. So I missed the window and figured he could have a nap with free feet.  

Which meant he slept on his side.

Which meant he rolled himself over. And he WILL NOT sleep on his tummy. 
He was certainly cute yelling at us but that was the end of that nap and the others, while they included boots and no rolling over, were mini-naps and he was a serious grump all day. Please pray we can get back to good naps! My sanity, other kids, and house need the good naps!

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